Pandemic-related disruptions to schooling and impacts on learning proficiency indicators: a focus on the early grades

Case Studies & Research
51 p.
Title other languages
Perturbations de la scolarité liées à la pandémie et impacts sur les indicateurs de maîtrise des apprentissages: étude des petites classes
Interrupciones de la escolarización relacionadas con la pandemia y efectos en los indicadores sobre competencias en la aprendizaje: un análisis de los primeros grados

This report focusses on the impacts of the pandemic on learning proficiency, specifically as measured by Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Indicator 4.1.1. Over the last couple of decades, there has been a growing awareness of how crucial learning proficiency, especially that of younger children, is for human development. The evidence is clear that improvements in proficiency underpin future economic development, and the building of more cohesive and equal societies. The indicators on learning proficiency are among the most discussed indicators within the SDG framework. This report explains the impact of COVID-19 on learning losses for primary-aged children and the need for an effective response.

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