HIV-infected youth
According to this brief, youth infected with HIV need medical, psychological, and social support, but programs rarely address their specific needs, even as antiretroviral drugs and HIV testing become more available.
According to this brief, youth infected with HIV need medical, psychological, and social support, but programs rarely address their specific needs, even as antiretroviral drugs and HIV testing become more available.
This project has provided technical assistance to 12 faith-based organizations to help them develop HIV prevention strategies for youth.
This project served as a community-based model in Zambia by integrating reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming into a growing national initiative.
This fact sheet presents results of research on campaign exposure in three countries as a result of the FHI/YouthNet evaluation of the 2002 global HIV-prevention campaign, "Staying Alive," which reached 800 million households.
The Youth Participation Guide seeks to increase the level of meaningful youth participation in reproductive health (RH) and HIV/AIDS programming at an institutional and programmatic level.
This training guide emphasizes an integrated approach to counseling youth during HIV testing. It features interactive exercises, participant practice sessions, PowerPoint slides, and other training tools.
The Kenya Girl Guides Association implements an integrated program on Life Skills and Peer Education in schools. Adult Guide Leaders conduct Life Skills sessions with Guides in Girl Guide Units in each participating school.
From 1999 to 2006, Kenya Girl Guides Association received support from Family Health International (FHI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to integrate HIV and AIDS prevention into more than 700 Guide Units in three regions: Coast, Rift Valley, and Western.
This publication can be used by any individual or organization with a stake in developing or running a successful peer education program. The publication is divided into four main sections: 1. Peer Education Overview.
Pruebas Voluntarias del VIH con Consejería (PVC): Una Guía de Referencias para Consejeros y Capacitadores es una herramienta para enfrentar estos retos. Esta guía equipa a los usuarios con la competencia y confianza de proveer servicios comprensivos, de calidad y culturalmente apropiados.