Factors influencing access and retention in primary schooling for children and young people affected by HIV and AIDS: Case studies from rural Malawi
This report presents findings from the second phase of the SOFIE research project.
This report presents findings from the second phase of the SOFIE research project.
Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa�
Creating a Caring School: A Guide for School Management Teams is intended to assist school leadership and management to better understand and address the socio-economic context of schooling and the barriers to education, in particular HIV and AIDS and poverty, that the majority of South Africa�
South Africa is currently experiencing one of the most severe AIDS epidemics in the world with more than five million (or an estimated 11%) of the population living with HIV.