Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2006

Improving responses to HIV/AIDS in education sector workplaces

The workshop was organized under the auspices of an ILO-initiated programme during 2004-2005 to enhance a sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS education sector workplaces, as a complement to the ILO's Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS in the world of work, adopted in 2001.

Case Studies & Research
Case Studies & Research | 1998

Getting youth through the AIDS crisis

The HIV/Aids epidemic is raging in the countries of theSouth—above all in sub-Saharan Africa. Around half the newly infected are aged between 15 and 24. The only solution is to step up preventive action of all kinds. A number of new approaches are proving their worth.

Conference Reports
Conference Reports | 2006

Improving responses to HIV/AIDS in education sector workplaces

The workshop was organized under the auspices of an ILO programme initiated in 2004, developing a sectoral approach to HIV/AIDS education sector workplaces, as a complement to the ILO's code of practice HIV/AIDS and the world of work, adopted in 2001.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2008

EDUCAIDS: framework for action

Recognising the vital role of the education sector in national responses to HIV and AIDS, the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO) launched EDUCAIDS, the Global Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS, in March 2004.

Advocacy Materials
Advocacy Materials | 2005

HIV and AIDS education: an under-exploited potential

Today, nearly forty million people are living with HIV. Experts agree that education could help limit the further spread of the pandemic. Yet many countries are slow to put in place a coherent HIV and AIDS prevention education plan.

Toolkits & Guides
Toolkits & Guides | 2006

An HIV/AIDS workplace policy for the education sector in the Caribbean

The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for addressing HIV and AIDS as a workplace issue in education sector institutions and services through social dialogue processes, in complement of other national workplace or overall education sector policies where they exist.

Learning & Teaching Materials
Learning & Teaching Materials | 2005

Manual de Teatro y VIH/SIDA para México y Centro América

El manual fue realizado gracias a las aportaciones que ONGs, asociaciones y grupos de teatro que trabajan en prevención de VIH/SIDA en México y Centroamérica realizaron en un taller suregional celebrado los días 21 al 23 de junio de 2005 en Antigua, Guatemala.