The GLSEN 2021 National School Climate Survey reports on the school experiences of LGBTQ+ youth in schools, including the extent of the challenges that they face at school and the school-based resources that support LGBTQ students’ well-being. The report includes information on LGBTQ middle and high school students' experiences, including: hearing biased language, from both students and educators; experiences of harassment and assault; anti-LGBTQ discrimination; effects of a hostile school climate on educational outcomes and psychological well-being; and the availability and utility of supportive school resources. This report also examines demographic and school differences in students’ experiences, and explores LGBTQ students' experiences with Gay-Straight Alliances or Gender and Sexuality Alliances (GSAs). In addition, this installment of GLSEN’s National School Climate Survey also includes an exploration of how school climate has changed over time. Because this data is from the 2020-2021 academic year, when schools had to respond to the COVID pandemic, we also discuss key differences between the experiences of LGBTQ+ students in online only, in-person only, and hybrid learning environments.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação