Africa regional consultation with youth on HIV/AIDS and sexual reproductive health

Conference Reports
World Bank
50 p.
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Consultation régionale sur le VIH/sida chez les jeunes et la SSR en Afrique
Consulta regional em África à juventude sobre o VIH/SIDA e a saúde sexual e reprodutiva

The regional consultation was organized to facilitate dialogue among young people and key stakeholders on effective approaches and partnerships for addressing youth Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV/AIDS issues, to document promising youth-focused interventions in national HIV/AIDS and SRH programs, and to identify ways of strengthening linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS services. The cosponsors also wanted to strengthen monitoring and evaluations of youth-friendly services and build the evidence base for effective interventions, in order to intensify the effectiveness of youth programming on SRH and HIV/AIDS. Over 135 participants from 20 countries, including representatives from government, youth, youth serving organizations and development partners working on youth HIV/AIDS and SRH matters attended. In addition to the sharing of country experiences and networking opportunities, the consultation provided concrete recommendations on how to intensify the integration of sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS response for young people in Africa. A key highlight was that these recommendations were achieved with the involvement, empowerment and participation of young people. The recommendations will be used to help strengthen the effectiveness of youth programming on SRH and HIV/AIDS within the MAP projects, Poverty Reduction Strategy Programmes (PRSPs), and relevant country frameworks. The consultation also provided inputs in developing the Agenda for Action 2007-2010 for the Bank's HIV activities in Africa and will guide youth SRH interventions in the revised World Bank health strategy. The draft, strategic CAPs include recommendations for better inclusion of youth priorities in their national HIV/AIDS and SRH programs, and increasing coordination among stakeholders to scale up effective interventions.

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