Delivering Comprehensive Sexuality Education for Out-of-school Young People. Country case studies on out-of-school comprehensive sexuality education: Palestine

Case Studies & Research
6 p.

Out-of-school CSE holds the promise of reaching those left behind. In each of the countries, locally adapted interventions consider the needs, life experiences and vulnerabilities of left-behind groups of young people. This includes young people who are vulnerable either because they cannot attend school, or because the sexuality education curriculum offered in school does not adequately address their identity, whether that be as a girl, a young person with a disability, a young person living with HIV, an LGBTQ+ young person, or a migrant or young person displaced by conflict or humanitarian crisis.

At country level programmes reach out to young people from left-behind populations using the specially developed UN International Technical and Programmatic Guidance on Out-of-school Comprehensive Sexuality Education.

Youth engagement is an integral part of the programme, and young people are themselves meaningfully included and engaged in the design and implementation of the activities.
