Gender or sex: who cares? Skills-building resource pack on gender and reproductive health for adolescents and youth workers with a special emphasis on violence, HIV/STIs, unwanted pregnancy and unsafe abortion

Learning & Teaching Materials
Chapel Hill, NC
96 p.
Title other languages
Género o sexo: ¿A quién le importa? Módulo de capacitación en género y salud reproductiva dirigido a adolescentes y personas que trabajan con jóvnes con éndasis en violencia, VIH/ITS, embarazo no deseado y aborto en condiciones de riesgo

A skills-building resource pack on gender and reproductive health for adolescents and youth workers, with an emphasis on violence, HIV, STIs, unwanted pregnancy. The pack contains a manual, curriculum cards and overhead transparencies/handouts, provides an introduction to the topic of gender and sexual and reproductive health using a progressive focus that works from simpler subjects and exercises towards more complex topics and participatory activities.

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