This document was written to follow up the exploratory studies undertaken by the Quality Education for Social Transformation (QUEST) programme in Kenya, Uganda and Zimbabwe. To develop instructional materials on the process of growing up and sexual maturation for use in teacher education institutions and primary schools, the Maseno University research team conducted a study to establish the traditional ways of growing up and sexual maturation (GUSM) among four generations of the Luo (one of the main ethnic communities in Kenya). More precisely, they looked at how information, questions and issues surrounding GUSM were communicated to Luo children within and across four generations. The Luo indigenous cultural setting serves as a model to base the development of instructional materials for the school system and to demonstrate the values to be inculcated in primary teaching and learning. This case study of the Luo shows that their traditional institutions (knowledge and practices in childbearing and in youth education about growing up and sexual maturation) that have been used to relay information in the past are no longer functional. Therefore, primary schools can play a pivotal role in passing on such vital information to children, and teachers should be trained on issues related to growing up and sexual maturation. The purpose of this document is to explore the experience of the Luo to project how best concepts and principles of growing up and sexual maturation can be systematically and acceptably provided in the formal primary school education system. The book consists of five chapters. Chapter 1: the context of growing up and sexual maturation among the Luo of Kenya. Chapter 2: knowledge about growing up and sexual maturation across generations. Chapter 3: growing up and sexual maturation: schooling and related contexts. Chapter 4: communicating growing up and sexual maturation issues in the Dholuo register and vocabulary. Chapter 5: growing up and sexual maturation and the Kenyan education system. The bibliography includes numerous references to scientific articles.

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