The HIV challenge to education: a collection of essays

Case Studies & Research
263 p.

The 10 essays in this volume look at the many and complex relationships between HIV/AIDS and education. It is clear that education in an AIDS-affected world cannot be the same as that in an AIDS-free world. It is imperative to adapt educational planning and management principles, curriculum-development goals, and the provision of education itself, in order to take into account this pandemic which affects the very fabric of society. A broad multidisciplinary approach to the pandemic is essential and the papers in this issue reflect the perspectives of educators, researchers, policy-makers and planners alike. The subjects examined include the tole of education in preventing transmission, the impact of HIV/AIDS on education, gender equality in schools and helping children cope with trauma and grief. Although much remains to be explored, this book should be an invaluable guide for all those interested in understanding the process of managing the response to HIV/AIDS, and concerend with implementing effective strategies for the future.

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