In line with the mandate of the Office of Governance, this policy has been formulated to integrate the issue of HIV/AIDS into the mainstream human capital management policies of the Belize Public Service. This policy is based on the recognition that recruitment, preservation and motivation of high quality employees are an essential component of an effective Public Service. This Policy establishes a set of guidelines to protect the health and welfare of Public Officers in the face of the challenge presented by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Specifically, the objectives of this policy are: a) To provide guidelines on employer (Government) and employee (Public Officer) rights and responsibilities in the context of HIV/AIDS; b) To develop concrete responses within the Belize Public Service to deal with issues of HIV/AIDS prevention, stigma and discrimination, the productivity of Public Officers, and the care and support of Officers infected or affected by HIV/AIDS; c) To promote processes of cooperation between government, Public Officers, HIV/AIDS experts and all relevant stakeholders such as community-based and non-governmental organizations.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação