Me, You and AIDS is one of an ever-growing series of learning materials produced under a UNESCO-DANIDA workshop for the preparation of post-literacy materials and radio programmes for women and girls in Africa, in 2000. Written by Africans for Africans, this booklet aims to produce gender-sensitive material in the context of the DANIDA-UNESCO Special Project for Education of Girls and Women in Africa. There is an effort to respond to urgent issues and problem facing African women and men today. The booklet reflects the language, images, customs, social norms, attitudes and beliefs of real people whether they be nomads or villagers. It particularly tries to help readers raise issues and find their own answers to their pressing needs.
17 pages
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Toi, moi et le SIDA : (rédigé lors d'un atelier organisé par UNESCO/DANIDA sur la préparation des matériels de lecture et des programmes radiophoniques sur la post-alphabétisation à l'intention des filles et des femmes en Afrique) (Kenya)
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