The National Plan of Action for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVC) is a three-year plan subject to review and focuses on children who are the most vulnerable and at risk in Ghanaian society. There has not been a recent comprehensive assessment of OVC in Ghana and the first part of the plan attempts a brief assessment of OVC in relation to their care and protection. The National Policy Guidelines on Orphans and other children made vulnerable by HIV and AIDS 2005 outlines a broader framework for the protection and provision of comprehensive and integrated developmental services for OVC as contained in the seven OVC Programme implementation strategies whose priority areas are listed below. i) Advocacy, behavioural change communication (BCC), and community mobilisation aimed at strengthening responses to reduce OVC vulnerability. ii) Capacity development of caregivers and stakeholders aimed at strengthening institutional capacity for providing a continuum of care for children living with HIV and AIDS iii) Care and psychosocial support aimed at reducing infection among OVC and their parents aimed at reducing infection among OVC and their parents. iv) Food and nutrition security aimed at implementing interventions through local structures and networks and increase capacity. v) Increasing access to education aimed at using the school system to provide opportunities for emotional support, interaction with other children, and the development of social capital among others. vi) Child protection and socioeconomic security which include initiatives that prevent violation of the rights of the children in relation to serious risks and hazards. vii) Monitoring, evaluation and research aimed at building systems, structures, resource base, and decision making. This National Action Plan is based on those key strategic areas and programmatic interventions but takes into account other recent international and national developments.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação