Three Dutch partners of STOP AIDS NOW!, CORDAID, ICCO and OXFAM NOVIB, have expressed that they would like to identify areas of intervention to bolster the efforts of their local partners in Burundi so as to link sexual and reproductive health and rights to the response to HIV and vice versa. Eleven Burundian organisations working in the areas of HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive rights have been identified in order to assess their needs with a view to considering making the establishment of the links between HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive rights and health an integral part of what they do and the services they provide. A fact finding mission by STOP AIDS NOW! to Burundi from 28th March to 2nd May 2010 met the heads of the public institutions (SEP/CNLS and PNSR) and the representatives of the various national organisations with a view to informing them of the mission's objectives and to exchange views with them on the questionnaire for evaluating the needs of these Burundian partners. The aim of this study is not to assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact or sustainability of the programmes being run but is primarily to define their needs and identify the challenges they are facing when trying to establish the links between or integrate HIV/AIDS and SRHR.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação