A tri-country HIV/AIDS and Refugees workshop was organised by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda from 10-13 December 2002. The objectives of the workshop were to improve the quality and to standardise the various HIV/AIDS programs implemented in the refugee camps in the three countries as well as to plan for 2003. Representatives from various non-governmental organisations (NGOs), UNICEF and the Ugandan government, all of whom work in the refugee camps, participated in the 4-day event. An HIV/AIDS resource package containing guidelines, policies and seminal articles was provided to the participants. Model HIV/AIDS programs were presented by chosen NGOs to provide an example of what can be achieved in refugee camps as well as to discuss ways to improve and adapt the programs according to the different settings in the three countries. A standardised matrix was provided to the participants to plan and prioritise their 2003 HIV/AIDS programs by country.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação