CHANGES2 began implementation in August 2005 and will continue through September 2009. Funded by USAID and designed to support the Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ), CHANGES2 works to improve quality basic education and improve the health status of communities in four of Zambia's provinces: Copperbelt, Central, Lusaka and Southern. HIV/AIDS prevention and mitigation is a major emphasis of the program through messages promoting abstinence and faithfulness, and through support to those infected and affected by the pandemic, especially teachers and orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs). Professional training for teachers, provision of school health and nutrition interventions, building school/community partnerships, providing OVC scholarships, and implementation of a small grants program are the primary strategies for improving education and health through CHANGES2. The American Institutes for Research proposed to continue the primary components of the existing CHANGES2 program but, using additional funds allocated by the United States Congress for the Fast Track Initiative (FTI), to modify specific activities to dramatically increase and intensify its impact on the quality of education offered through Zambia's community schools. Thus, the monitoring and evaluation plan that follows includes indicators and targets that have been submitted and approved by USAID for FTI. It also presents modified targets for some indicators mandated by AEI (Africa Education Initiative), PEPFAR (the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief) and DA (Development Assistance). For these indicators, CHANGES2 originally estimated targets based on 300 students per school. Because CHANGES2 has operated in a higher percentage of urban schools than is representative of the national average, the figure of 300 students per school has turned out to be too low. Targets for these indicators have been revised to equal the average number of students in year 1 CHANGES2 schools, or approximately 750 students per school.

Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação