Política de educación en sexualidad: Cartilla para equipos directivos de escuelas y liceos
Material elaborado por la unidad de apoyo a la transversalidad. División de Educación general de Ministerio de Educación de Chile.
Material elaborado por la unidad de apoyo a la transversalidad. División de Educación general de Ministerio de Educación de Chile.
The booklet describes the foundation and reasoning behind the partnership of Focus Resources on Effective School Health (FRESH).
This is an introduction to a series of issue papers for FP/RH programme managers that consider the following questions on the subject of scaling up: How do we know when we have achieved scale? What management, technological, and human competencies are necessary to bring programmes to scale?
The handbook outlines how to games can be used to provide youth with information and skills about sex and sexuality to protect them from HIV and other STIs, HIV/AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, rape, and emotional and physical violence.
There have been numerous programmes internationally and continentally that involve the careful and sometimes not too careful inculcation of HIV/AIDS awareness into curricula.
This report presents the main findings and recommendations of an international research project, which has focused on assessing the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on primary and secondary schooling in three countries, namely Botswana, Malawi and Uganda (BMU).
This drug abuse prevention handbook is designed to help youth groups around the world identify the real issues that concern them and develop programmes to reach their peers.
This issue of Quality/Calidad/Qualite published by the Population Council documents the Mongolian universal sexuality education programme supported by UNFPA.
Sexual and reproductive rights are a conerstone of development. The neglect of sexual and reproductive rights lies at the rest of many of the problems that the international community has identified as being in need of urgent actiuon.
This document consists of a sample of five educational modules that contains information and educational activities to introduce adolescents (and in special cases, early adolescents) to knowledge and skills related to Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) for HIV and AIDS.