HIV/SIDA Saiba mais... viva mais
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada as crianças e aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com o HIV/SIDA.
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada as crianças e aos jovens e responde a todo o tipo de perguntas relacionadas com o HIV/SIDA.
Esta revista, elaborada pela N'Weti, é parte de um projecto regional de comunicação para a saúde que inclui alguns países do sul da Africa como o Botswana, o Lesotho e o Moçambique.
Esta revista foi elaborada pela N'Weti, uma ONG moçambicana apoiada pela Soul City Institute. É destinada aos pais para os ajudar a abordar alguns problemas que as crianças enfretem no seu dia-a-dia.
Act, Learn and Teach: Theatre, HIV and AIDS Toolkit for Youth in Africa is a publication resulting from a project collaboration between UNESCO and the CCIVS (Coordinating Committee for International Voluntary Service) edited in 2006.
This paper on Current Research and Good Practice in HIV and AIDS Treatment Education was written for the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) for presentation at a Technical Consultation in Paris, France 22-23 November
The education sector's specific policy statements and strategies have been outlined under the National Strategic Framework (NSF II) 2006-2010. The policy has been developed to: 1. Highlight the sector's commitment to the fight against the HIV/AIDS pandemic, 2.
This policy document covers issues of leadership and coordination; rights of the individual; teaching learning and research; prevention and care.
The HIV and AIDS Education Training Module is a training programme for Teachers involved in the delivery of Basic and Higher Education.
In 2004, the University of Pretoria was contracted by the United Nations' Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the Limpopo Department of Education (LDoE) to conduct research in Limpopo, South Africa, examining issues related to safety and threats for learners at the foundational (Grade R-3), in
This study was conducted regarding the perceived problem, of the impact of HIV/AIDS on education management and the self-actualization of teachers and learners and the role of the principal in managing it.