Health and family life education: refined scope and sequence, grades 7-9
The document is prepared for teachers in the Caribbean, specifically in Jamaica.
The document is prepared for teachers in the Caribbean, specifically in Jamaica.
This paper was developed on behalf of the Working Group on Education and HIV/AIDS and summarises the issues raised by a meeting to discuss the contribution of abstinence-only HIV/AIDS education.
Once limited to the medical field, the issue of HIV and AIDS has spread to other socioeconomic spheres because of its generalised negative impact. The education sector has been equally affected, prompting ZIMTA and other stakeholders to initiate intervention programmes.
This report presents the findings and outcomes of the three joint UNESCO/WB missions to Guyana, Jamaica and St. Lucia, and elaborates on next steps identified for action at both national and regional levels.
This tool is an organized set of questions designed to help practitioners to select, adapt, develop and implement more effective pregnancy, STI and HIV prevention programmes in their communities.
Esta publicación está dirigida a educadores y entrega información sobre las diferentes formas de violencia a las que están expuestos niños y adolescentes, apuntando a tomar acciones prácticas de respuesta a estas situaciones.
This e-book builds on the discussions from five online conferences that brought together experts, professionals and others interested in the topic of school bullying and violence from throughout the world.
Cette étude propose un rappel synthétique des connaissances concernant la violence à l’école et une analyse du cadre législatif et des réponses institutionnelles et non gouvernementales apportées à ce phénomène.
Guidelines and life skills education module for the prevention of HIV and AIDS for junior secondary teachers (SMP) or equivalent in Bahasa Indonesia.