Censo Escolar 2005: Levantamento das ações em DST/Aids, Saúde Sexual e Saúde Reprodutiva e Drogas
Análisis de la implementación de la política brasileña de Educación en Salud en Brasil.
Análisis de la implementación de la política brasileña de Educación en Salud en Brasil.
This situation analysis was undertaken as a tripartite activity of UNESCO, the World Bank, and the Partnership for Child Development for the Guyana Ministry of Education.
Building on information gathered during a previous survey (2000), this survey provides an update and overview of support to school health and nutrition (SHN) programmes in low income countries.
This report evaluates the current PSHE curriculum: whether it is based sufficiently closely on the needs of young people and how the outcomes might be best achieved.
The University shall be guided by the following four principle policy components with respect to HIV/AIDS prevention, care and support, research and mitigation impact:Rights and responsibilities of staff and students affected and infected by HIV/AIDS.Integration of HIV/AIDS into teaching research
La très forte stigmatisation et le silence qui entoure l'épidémie aggravent les effets du VIH et du sida en milieu scolaire. Ici et là, associations et ONG travaillent activement pour la prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH.
De nos jours la pandémie du VIH/SIDA a atteint toutes les couches socioprofessionnelles. Ainsi, l'organisation des campagnes de sensibilisation et d'éducation devrait être un facteur important dans la prise de conscience des acteurs sociaux.
This study examined the impact of a primary-school HIV education initiative on the knowledge, self-efficacy and sexual and condom use activities of upper primary-school pupils in Kenya.
SRE in schools is and has been of concern to young people to UKYP's knowledge, for at least seven years.