Sanitation and Education
One in five children worldwide does not complete upper-primary school, with particularly high drop-out rates among pubescent-age girls that may limit economic opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality.
One in five children worldwide does not complete upper-primary school, with particularly high drop-out rates among pubescent-age girls that may limit economic opportunities and perpetuate gender inequality.
OBJECTIVE: An analysis undertaken jointly in 2009 by the UN World Food Programme, The Partnership for Child Development and the World Bank was published as Rethinking School Feeding to provide guidance on how to develop and implement effective school feeding programmes as a productive safety net
This paper was commissioned by the Education for All Global Monitoring Report as background information to assist in drafting the 2013/4 report. It looks at the relationship between education and literacy on child health.
According to the World Health Organization, sexually transmitted diseases and infections continue to be a public health problem across the globe, with most infected persons being between the ages of 15 and 49.
Life Orientation teachers play a critical role in the teaching and learning of sexuality education in South African schools.
Background: Considering the significant impact of school-based HIV/AIDS education, in 2007, a curriulum on HIV/AIDS was incorporated in the national curriculum for high school students of Bangladesh through the Government’s HIV-prevention program.
In recent years, UNICEF has worked together with national and local authorities and civil society partners in a number of countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia to develop and implement HIV prevention programmes intended to reduce risks and vul¬nerabilities among most-at-risk adolescents (M
The aim of this study, undertaken at the request of the Kenyan Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MoEST), was to describe and analyse the impact of HIV and AIDS on the education sector in Kenya, and provide a situational analysis of the implementation of the Kenyan Education Sector Po
Background: Mobile phone applications (apps) provide a new platform for delivering tailored human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and sexually transmitted disease (STD) prevention and care.
This review presents the results of an assessment of the policies and practices related to prevention education in ten countries in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA region). It consists of a regional overview (Chapters 1–6) and ten individual country assessments (Appendices 2–11).