The Effects of Contraceptive Education On Method Use at First Intercourse
Despite long-standing public support for sex education in the schools, it has been difficult to show concrete effects of sex education on sexual and contraceptive behavior.
Despite long-standing public support for sex education in the schools, it has been difficult to show concrete effects of sex education on sexual and contraceptive behavior.
The purpose of this study is to examine the nature and extent of messages about sex that are presented in the "Family Hour" on broadcast network television. The study employs scientific content analysis procedures to examine a thorough sample programming from the winter of 1996.
The report summarizes the data collected in three separate studies commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation and Children Now about sexual messages on television and the impact of those messages on children and families. Contents:-Pt. 1.
This curriculum provides lessons for five hours of HIV/AIDS education instruction for high school and young adult students of English as a Second Language (ESL). The curriculum helps students develop English language skills while learning about risk factors.
This document is a synopsis of information available on pilot projects initiated jointly by WHO and UNESCO. The document provides a justification and the rationale for education on AIDS at school. It looks at the formulation and design of projects.
This document is a synthesis report on a workshop on the impact of HIV/AIDS on education that was held at the IIEP in December 1993.
In the majority of states, sex education is mandatory or strongly recommended in public schools. Forty-eight states and most of the large school districts across the country support sex education, including about STIs and abstinence.
AIDS education is increasingly being done at the university level, as recognition that university students are at high risk for contracting HIV has increased. This article looks at how risk communication should be done at this level.
Teaching Sexual Health is series of lesson plans developed by the provincial government of Alberta (Canada) for use with Grades 4-12.
This document has been compiled by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)/UNESCO HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse in cooperation with POLICY /Futures Group.