Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação
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Preventing HIV Among Young People in Southern and Eastern Africa: Emerging Evidence and Intervention Strategies
This book provides an overview of the current epidemiology of the HIV epidemic among young people in Eastern and Southern Africa (ESA) and examines the efforts to confront and reduce the high level of new HIV infections amongst young people.
Relationships and Sexuality Education: A Guide for Teachers, Leaders, and Boards of Trustees
This section from the health and physical education guidelines and policies outlines the Ministry of Education's guide for Relationships and Sexuality Education: A guide for teachers, leaders and boards of trustees (years 1–8; years 9–13).
Home grown school feeding handbook: lessons from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria
This AUDA-NEPAD Home Grown School Feeding (HGSF) Handbook was prepared primarily based on the experience and lessons from Botswana, Ghana and Nigeria. These three countries are among the most advanced countries in implementing HGSF which are supported and led by their national government.
New evidence and programming: implications for adolescent pathways in HIV care in Sub-Saharan Africa
Adolescents have the lowest rates of retention in HIV care and ART adherence when compared to other age groups. It is essential for programmers to better understand the adolescent HIV care pathways in sub-Saharan Africa, where public HIV services have been decentralised throughout the region.
Guidelines for the implementation of the School Health and Nutrition Programme
In 2006, the Government of the Republic of Zambia launched the SHN Policy, which serves as the genesis for this document.
Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Schools (WinS): national standards and guidelines, mitigation and localization
The Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in schools’ strategic partners working with the Ministry of General Education have identified several challenges that hinder the attainment of adequate access to improved sanitation and safe water at schools at a required scale.
Запобігання насильству в закладах освіти. Посібник для освітян
Посібник "Запобігання насильству в закладах освіти" призначений для лідерів в галузі освіти, вчителів, психологів та соціальних педагогів закладів загальної середньої освіти, а також студентів педагогічних ВНЗ.
Предотвращение дискриминации обучающихся и работников образовательных организаций, живущих с ВИЧ
Практическое руководство «Предотвращение дискриминации обучающихся и работников образовательных организаций, живущих с ВИЧ» адресовано руководителям и педагогическим работникам образовательных организаций.
Пособие «Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях»
Информационно-методическое пособие “Предотвращение насилия в образовательных организациях” адресовано руководителям и педагогическим работникам организаций общего и профессионального образования.