Schools. School-based education for drug abuse prevention
For some decades now students have been given lessons about drugs in school in the belief that education about drugs can change their behaviour.
For some decades now students have been given lessons about drugs in school in the belief that education about drugs can change their behaviour.
This publication documents the experience of more than 100 community-based organisations in Southern Africa, Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe-in planning a prevention response to substance abuse among the youth of their communities.
Este documento foi redigido por um consultor da INDE (Instituto Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educaçao) do Ministério da Educação de Moçambique.
Youth and Sexuality” aims at understanding how students, parents and the technical and pedagogical staff of schools perceive the issues related to juvenile sexuality, such as the sexual initiation of young people, teenage pregnancy, contraceptives, abortion, violence, prejudices and discriminatio
This publication is the result of the project funded by the UNAIDS Young People Commitment and CO-Responsibility in Preventing the Spread of HIV and AIDS.
Estudio evaluativo del resultado de las acciones de información, educación y comunicación en salud para reducción de la incidencia de infección de VIH y otras ITS, adopción de prácticas sexuales y/o de uso de drogas de forma segura, dirigidas a mujeres trabajadoras del sexo en nueve estados de Br
The document summarizes priority areas for WHO action based on global evidence. Improving the health and development of children and adolescents means that WHO will need to shape its implementation of the strategy to the epidemiological needs of specific regions and countries.
Mulheres com HIV/AIDS: elementos para construção de direitos e qualidade de vida e um dossiê redigido pelo Instituto Patrícia Galvão com o apoio do Fundo de Desenvolvimento das Nações Unidas para a Mulher, UNIFEM.
O Programa Permanente da UFPR de Prevenção da AIDS, entendendo o importante e intransferível papel da Universidade no ensino, pesquisa e extensão forma multiplicadores de prevenção, oferecendo para alunos, professores e servidores técnicoadministrativos, oficinas, cursos e palestras.
This programme is included in the Source Book of HIV/AIDS Prevention Program that presents 13 cases studies of good and promising practices of HIV/AIDS prevention programs in Sub-Saharan Africa.