The social mapping of Asian youth at risk : an example from the Philippines
This paper focuses on some prominent demographic or compositional changes among Asian youth, especially in the Philippines.
This paper focuses on some prominent demographic or compositional changes among Asian youth, especially in the Philippines.
O manual é constituído por 3 unidades: Sexualidade, Prevenção às DST/Aids e Prevenção ao Uso Indevido de Drogas. Em cada unidade, são apresentadas dinâmicas de trabalho de grupo, que utilizam como metodologia a educação por meio de trocas de experiências, vivências, conhecimentos e atitudes.
The paper reviews the application of social marketing approaches to strengthen reproductive health practices among young adults.
This is a report which contains background information on HIV/AIDS and Education issues in South Africa.
This issue focuses on the questions of "Why do young people have difficulty using reproductive health services?", "What would youth-friendly services look like?", and "What kind of services do young people want?".
This paper mainly presents the description of school-based programmes; literature review and programmatic; the process of planning, design, and implementation; the components of a school-based reproductive health programmes; and summary of programmatic recommendations.
This issues answer to the questions of "Why is it helpful to involve young people in their own reproductive health programmes?", "In what ways can young people become involved?", "Is there evidence that youth involvement improves programmes or results in better outcomes?&
This study is an effort to identify low-cost HIV/AIDS awareness programs in in-school as well as community-based settings that target school-age children and particularly adolescent and pre-adolescent youth.
This handbook was developed to accompany the Life Skills Training Manuals used in Uganda.
Ce document est le rapport final du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire tenu à Dakar, Sénégal en 1997 et dont le but était de contribuer à la réduction du VIH/SIDA parmi la population jeune de la sous-région.