Connections training of trainers workshop meeting report
Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex.
Connections is an adolescent and parent programme that helps girls and their mothers to become more confident and comfortable to talk about gender, relationships and sex.
The Sex Education Forum is a unique collaboration of diverse organisations representing children, parents, faith, disability, health and education.
In July 2011, UNFPA, UNESCO and UNICEF jointly organised the Asia Pacific Regional Consultation on Sexuality Education and Gender, with a Special Focus on Adolescent Girls.
Throughout the world, many adolescent reproductive health professionals, schools, clinics and other youth serving organizations have developed and implemented a wide variety of sex and STI/HIV education programs to reduce unintended pregnancy and STIs among young people.
This document is a report of a two days conference, "Checks and balances", aimed to explore mechanisms ensuring the balancing of power and the accountability by the stakeholders – the institutions and students.
This publication draws on a two day workshop, Research Method and Pedagogy Using Participatory Visual Methodologies, held 4-5 April 2011 in Port Elizabeth.
The overall objective of the conference was to contribute to the thinking on Goal 3 of EFA Goals using the experiences/learning of existing governmental/non governmental efforts in the South Asian Region.