E-discussion - Young people and HIV
E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this?
E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this?
The Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights (YCSRR), as a youth-led international organization of young people aged 18-29 years old, is committed to promoting adolescent and youth sexual and reproductive rights at the national, regional and international levels and identifies issues re
While sexual relationships are essentially private matters, good sexual health is important to individuals and to society. It is therefore important to have the right support and services to promote good sexual health.
many years, and a growing number of organizations are including a focus on young people, HIV/ASRH and humanitarian settings into their work.
In every world region, men who have sex with men (MSM) face significantly higher rates of HIV than the general population. Young people are also at increased risk for HIV, comprising over 40% of new HIV infections worldwide.
A third of sub-Saharan Africa’s (SSA) population comprises persons aged 10–24 years. These youth are growing up in a context marked by pervasive poverty, limited educational opportunities, high HIV/AIDS prevalence, widespread conflict, and weak social controls.
Policy-makers who are making decisions on sexuality education programs face important economic questions: what are the costs of developing sexuality education programs; and what are the costs of implementing and scaling them up?
In order to bridge the gap in evidence-based studies of masculinities in Sri Lanka, CARE International Sri Lanka undertook, together with Partners for Prevention (P4P), a UNDP, UNFPA, UN Women and UNV regional joint programme for gender-based violence prevention in Asia and the Pacific, a study o
The authors evaluate the impact of a health information intervention implemented through mobile phones, using a clustered randomized control trial augmented by qualitative interviews.
This study tries to assess the level of comprehensive knowledge of HIV/AIDS and the factors associated with it among in-school adolescents in eastern Ethiopia. The reason for this study is that there are more adolescents in school today, in Ethiopia, than ever before.