Respect my rights, respect my dignity: module three – sexual and reproductive rights are human rights
This module on sexual and reproductive rights is the third in a series of human rights education resources for young people.
This module on sexual and reproductive rights is the third in a series of human rights education resources for young people.
In collaboration with the Strengthening Evidence for Programming on Unintended Pregnancy (STEP UP) Research Programme Consortium, the Population Council has implemented a project since 2014 to increase the demand for secondary school education in Homa Bay County, Kenya – an area characterized by
The objectives of this study were to: 1) foster an understanding of the current situation and context in regard to out-of-school teenage mothers and their potential support systems for school re-entry at the household and school levels in Homa Bay County, 2) clarify possible solutions for promoti
This handbook is a product of a collaborative effort of UNICEF East Asia and Pacific Regional Office and members of the Asia-Pacific interagency task team on Young Key Populations who responded to the need for a tool to equip young people who are interested in understanding key terms and data rel
It is estimated that 50–55% of people living with HIV globally are women.
The objectives of this meeting were: to present the current situation of adolescent pregnancy and its major risk factors in the LAC region; to discuss current evidence, lessons learned and best practices regarding adolescent pregnancy prevention and the access and utilization of SRH services by
Much has been done towards attainment of gender equity in education as envisaged in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), yet gender disparities persist in many parts of the country.
Despite progress in expanding access to education for girls globally, important barriers remain. Girls’ success in school – and after leaving school – is determined in part by characteristics of and factors in her household and community.
In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government
The National Strategy on Child Marriage (NSCM&TP) is a holistic, comprehensive framework that reflects the commitment of the Uganda Government to end the practice of child marriage and other forms of violence against girls including teenage pregnancy as a consequence of child marriage.