University of Namibia Policy on HIV/AIDS
In the past, UNAM's 1997 policy guidelines on HIV/AIDS provided a basis for action, but since that time, the country and the region have seen a massive escalation in the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
In the past, UNAM's 1997 policy guidelines on HIV/AIDS provided a basis for action, but since that time, the country and the region have seen a massive escalation in the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
This revised education of the booklet aims: to introduce to schools and teachers basic facts about blood-borne diseases and their prevention; to recommend precautionary measures for implementation by schools; and to suggest strategies and resources in teaching of blood-borne diseases in schools.<
The Ministry of Education is planning for a Zambia where learners, families, educators, churches and non-governmental organizations collaborate to achieve a society free of AIDS and its stigma where the rights and dignity of all - men, women, children, and those living with AIDS - are respected.
This analysis has been carried out in preparation for a conference of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA).
Since the first incident of HIV/AIDS in Kenya was reported in 1984, the Government responded with the sessional paper No.4 of 1997 detailing its policy framework on HIV/AIDS.
Internationally, the first case of AIDS was diagnosed more than twenty years ago. In spite of extensive research, the origin of HIV has not been discovered. The spread of HIV in Jamaica is mainly through sexual contact between men and women.
Este documento apresenta a política e estratégia de saúde reprodutiva de adolescentes e Jovens.
In June 1999 the SADC Human Resources Development (HRD) Ministers directed the Sector to initiate the development of a regional strategy to complement member States efforts in the fight against the scourge within the education and training sector.
Human Immune-deficiency Virus (HIV) started to spread in Zimbabwe in the early 1980s with the first case of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) identified in 1985.
Uganda AIDS Commission and the Youth Communication Program: In response to the Presidential initiative which seeks to improve the HIV/AIDS communication support to youth in the country, UAC will spearhead a comprehensive communication program for young people in Uganda, starting with primary scho