Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação
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University of Botswana: HIV/AIDS Policy
The University of Botswana, as an institution of higher learning, recognizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a serious threat to the well-being and continued development of the nation.
Nkumba University HIV/AIDS Policy
The mission of Nkumba University is to educate people who will serve the country in different capacities after they have completed their courses. Besides the students, the University has academic, administrative staff, support staff and workers.
National school health policy and implementation guidelines
This document contains:- A description of the policy development process; - The rationale and context for the policy; - An outline of the main health needs of school-aged children; - The vision, mission, principles and main objectives; - A package of school health service activities; - A framewor
Implementation plan for Tirisano: January 2000-December 2004
The Implementation Plan of Tirisano is a five year plan that provides the political mandate for South Africa's Department of Education.
University of Namibia Policy on HIV/AIDS
In the past, UNAM's 1997 policy guidelines on HIV/AIDS provided a basis for action, but since that time, the country and the region have seen a massive escalation in the HIV/AIDS pandemic.
Guidelines on the prevention of blood-borne diseases in schools
This revised education of the booklet aims: to introduce to schools and teachers basic facts about blood-borne diseases and their prevention; to recommend precautionary measures for implementation by schools; and to suggest strategies and resources in teaching of blood-borne diseases in schools.<
HIV/AIDS Education Strategic Plan 2001-2005
The Ministry of Education is planning for a Zambia where learners, families, educators, churches and non-governmental organizations collaborate to achieve a society free of AIDS and its stigma where the rights and dignity of all - men, women, children, and those living with AIDS - are respected.
National HIV/AIDS Preventive Education in Primary Schools, Secondary Schools and Teacher Training Colleges
Since the first incident of HIV/AIDS in Kenya was reported in 1984, the Government responded with the sessional paper No.4 of 1997 detailing its policy framework on HIV/AIDS.
SADC HIV/AIDS in Education Strategic Framework
In June 1999 the SADC Human Resources Development (HRD) Ministers directed the Sector to initiate the development of a regional strategy to complement member States efforts in the fight against the scourge within the education and training sector.