Видеоуроки о здоровом образе жизни, безопасном поведении и профилактике насилия
Серия видеоуроков, разработанная при поддержке ИИТО ЮНЕСКО, предлагает комплексный и увлекательный подход к образованию подростков в вопросах здоровья.
Серия видеоуроков, разработанная при поддержке ИИТО ЮНЕСКО, предлагает комплексный и увлекательный подход к образованию подростков в вопросах здоровья.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
The government of Sierra Leone is attracting global recognition and celebrating its policies and commitments toward advancing and securing access to education for girls, in particular pregnant girls and young mothers.
Ethiopia has made significant improvements in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) over the past two decades through key policy initiatives and strategic objectives in support of achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
It is established globally that girls encounter a myriad of problems at each age and every stage of their journey in education.
The Pre-Tertiary Education Act of 2020 guarantees the right to free compulsory universal basic education for every Ghanaian child.
The Operational Guidelines are structured following a clear logic: The present section 1 explains the background for the Guidelines, to ensure that all users have the same understanding on the purpose of school feeding in Rwanda, and the intended way to achieve it.
В сотрудничестве с национальными экспертами ИИТО ЮНЕСКО создал серию видеоуроков по вопросам здорового образа жизни для учащихся 6-11 классов.
To improve the condition of adolescents in Tanzania, several gaps in health and wellbeing programmes need to be addressed immediately or in the near term.
As part of its effort to advocate for girls’ education and girls’ rights, HakiElimu conducted a study in 2021 to assess Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights education in primary and secondary schools in Tanzania mainland.