Behaviour change communication strategies for preventing adolescent pregnancy sourcebook
More than ever, adolescents need help, guidance, and empowerment.
More than ever, adolescents need help, guidance, and empowerment.
This report begins with a situation analysis of adolescent pregnancy (Section 2), highlighting where today’s adolescents live and where their fertility levels are highest, as well as looking at the drivers of their fertility rates.
What programs delay sexual initiation, improve contraceptive use among sexually active teens, and/or prevent teen pregnancy? Over the years, The National Campaign has produced and disseminated a number of detailed reports and publications designed to answer this question.
Education is a vital component of the preparation for adulthood, and is closely linked to transitions into marriage and parenting. Childbearing among adolescent girls in sub-Saharan Africa remains high, while primary school completion is far from universal.
This review of sanitation system trends and interactions with menstrual management practices has been conducted as part of the broader project on Menstrual Management and Sanitation Systems.
This document is an educational resource for improving menstrual hygiene for women and girls in different settings, including communities, schools and emergencies.
Background: Increased education of girls in developing contexts is associated with a number of important positive health, social, and economic outcomes for a community.
This review examines the existing frameworks present in the Asia-Pacific region to implement and scale up sexuality education.
This study was commissioned following a need to conduct in-depth analysis and document the way HIV and AIDS is mainstreamed in the national school curriculum in Rwanda and formulate comprehensive recommendations to the identified gaps.
This article provides statistics which show how and why HIV prevalence among young people is falling. The article shows statistics in different regions and countries of the world where young people are living with HIV.