University of Botswana: HIV/AIDS Policy
The University of Botswana, as an institution of higher learning, recognizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a serious threat to the well-being and continued development of the nation.
The University of Botswana, as an institution of higher learning, recognizes the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a serious threat to the well-being and continued development of the nation.
The aim of this handbook is to enable members of the education and other sectors to learn more about the access to education of orphans and vulnerable children.
This article is based on a theoretical exploration of the concept of mainstreaming and actual experience of the African ministries of education in the region.
This document is the fourth in the series of repackaged products aimed to serve as a vehicle for alerting users of a wealth of highly valuable educational resources that exist in the field of HIV/AIDS in the context of adolescent reproductive and sexual health.
The specific aims of this handbook are: To introduce the concepts which underlie project monitoring and evaluating; To demonstrate how these are practically applied in HIV/AIDS projects; To provide an overview of existing good practice in key sectoral areas, and how these practices have been iden
As Cambodia was returning to peace in the early 1990's, HIV/AIDS reached the war-torn Kingdom. With around 3.5% of the adult population aged from 15 to 49 already infected, the Kingdom of Cambodia is facing today the highest rate of infection in Asia.
This comparative research study focuses on the main barriers to education for the poorest households in Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia.
The formal education system with a wide access to young people should play a central role in HIV/AIDS prevention.
This paper reports on programs that have helped young people in developing countries practise healthier behaviours, including delaying sexual debut, reducing the number of sexual partners, and increasing the use of methods of preventing pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), includ
The mission of Nkumba University is to educate people who will serve the country in different capacities after they have completed their courses. Besides the students, the University has academic, administrative staff, support staff and workers.