Our time to be heard: stories giving voice to young people and their experience of HIV
This publication is a collection of stories about young people living with HIV written by citizen journalists from the Key Correspondents network.
This publication is a collection of stories about young people living with HIV written by citizen journalists from the Key Correspondents network.
The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in awareness about early and forced marriage of girls as a widespread violation of human rights. In short, early and forced marriage exacerbate gender inequality and the likelihood of poor outcomes throughout life.
Linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV recognizes the vital role that sexuality plays in people's lives, and the importance of empowering people to make informed choices about their lives, love and intimacy.
Promoting abstinence is an important strategy that can help delay sexual activity, but complementary messages are needed for those who are sexually active.
The fact sheet first explains why good reproductive health for young people is important and then presents a situation of the reproductive lives of young people today.