HIV and AIDS policy for the national education system of Papua New Guinea 2012-2016
The HIV and AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea has four main sections, which, taken together, provide an effective response to HIV.
The HIV and AIDS Policy for the National Education System of Papua New Guinea has four main sections, which, taken together, provide an effective response to HIV.
This paper estimates the association between HIV knowledge and risky sexual behavior in India. Using data from the third wave of the national demographic survey, the authors find that better HIV related knowledge does not always promote safer sexual practices.
Reproductive health education relates directly to six of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals, including that of combating HIV/AIDS. The need for high-impact adolescent sexual and preoductive health care programs has become a primary concern for global health organizations.
The general objective of this school health policy is to guide the provision of a comprehensive, integrated school health programme which is provided as part of the primary health care (PHC) package within the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) framework.
Across sub-Saharan Africa, the AIDS pandemic has impacted children in a myriad of ways, from parental loss, to HIV infection, to increased poverty and marginalization.
In its effort to ensure that teenage mothers are not deprived of their schooling, in 1995 the Ministry of Education initiated support for teenage mothers through the introduction of a policy.
The overarching goal of this Policy is in accordance with the Lesotho National HIV and AIDS Policy of 2006 and is intended to mobilize the participation of every stakeholder in the sector in an inclusive, comprehensive response.
The work done here involved estimating the extent of bullying in Latin American schools and its impact on the academic achievement of primary school students. Pupils’ socio-demographic characteristics were analysed and linked with bullying.
Este documento contiene los aspectos generales del Programa, sus objetivos, características y una descripción de los niveles de coordinación, con el propósito de promover la participación y las buenas prácticas de gestión.
In 2010, ISIS, Inc. began a dialogue with stake-holders to better understand the environment and examine measures to ensure quality and standards around sexual and reproductive health education and digital media.