Embrace diversity in school: say no to HIV-related stigma and other forms of discrimination
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
What are the challenges an HIV positive student is facing at school? What other forms of prejudice and associated intolerance a student may be encountering?
One in every three girls in the developing world is married by the age of 18. One in seven marries before they reach the age of 15. In countries like Niger, Chad, Mali, Bangladesh, Guinea and the Central African Republic (CAR), the rate of early and forced marriage is 60 per cent and over.
Drawing on the unique experience of young adults who are living with HIV and AIDS, Positive Speaking aims to contribute to the HIV prevention revolution in Namibia, and more specifically: To empower young people and learners with appropriate knowledge and skills about HIV prevention, gender and s
This manual is the outcome of a youth-led project by Restless Development Zambia (supported by Irish AID) to identify, document and highlight civil society anti-HIV and AIDS initiatives that have had proven awareness raising and programmatic impact in the education sector in Zambia.
The past decade has witnessed a dramatic increase in awareness about early and forced marriage of girls as a widespread violation of human rights. In short, early and forced marriage exacerbate gender inequality and the likelihood of poor outcomes throughout life.
This fact sheet is designed for educators, concerned community and parent organisations, as well as education officials.
This 52-page report documents the many obstacles women and girls face in getting the reproductive health care services to which they are entitled, such as contraception, voluntary sterilization procedures, and abortion after rape.
This brief outlines the current legal situation in Tanzania with respect to attendance of pregnant schoolgirls as well as the benefits of educational attendance for pregnant school girls and young mothers.
The lack of universal access to women's reproductive health services has contributed to the collective failure to be on target to achieve the MDGs by 2015.
Institutions have varying track records when it comes to conducting HIV and AIDS campaigns. Some hardly engage in HIV and AIDS communication, while others do so regularly and in a creative way.