Uganda's Ministry of Education and Sports response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic
This presentation provides a summary of the responseof the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda in terms of HIV and AIDS policies and strategies.
This presentation provides a summary of the responseof the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda in terms of HIV and AIDS policies and strategies.
Sexual Health, HIV and AIDS is the first booklet in a serie of two booklet produced by the Child-to-Child Trust. It provides information and ideas for teaching children and young people about sexual health, HIV and AIDS.
"The Main Thread" is produced by a governmental organisation: Lafa, the Stockholm County AIDS Prevention Programme; a regional knowledge and method centre working in the field of health and sexuality.
An unprecedented number of young children in Sub-Saharan Africa are being adversely affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic, yet programs specifically designed to meet the developmental needs of orphaned and vulnerable children (OVC) from birth to age 8 are rare.
This guide is based on recent research into sexuality education and health promotion in Sweden and focuses on sexuality and personal relationships for the planning and implementation of teaching programmes.
Despite the evident effects of the epidemic on the education sector, there has been no systematic research to look at its impact on education governance in Uganda, in terms of the performance of the descriptive and prescriptive roles of the different actors in the sector.
This toolkit was published by Save the Children in 2004. It presents the peer education as one of the solution for children and adolescents' needs on skills and information on how to protect their sexual and reproductive health and reduce their vulnerability to HIV and AIDS.
This report presents the proceedings of the First Regional Conference on Secondary Education in Africa, organized by the World Bank in June 2003 and hosted by the Uganda Ministry of Education.
Teacher training in any subject is important. For teaching information and skills related to reproductive health (RH) and HIV/AIDS, teacher training is even more essential - and complex.
The overall goal of this policy is to mainstream adolescent health concerns in the national development process in order to improve the quality of life and standard of living of young people in Uganda.