Costing tool for comprehensive sexuality education programmes
Rutgers and Planned Parenthood Association Ghana have introduced a costing tool for civil society organisations implementing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes.
Rutgers and Planned Parenthood Association Ghana have introduced a costing tool for civil society organisations implementing comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes.
School feeding is essential for promoting education, health, peace and social cohesion. At a time when countries and their partners are evaluating strategies to reduce chronic malnutrition, malnutrition and poverty, the discussion of school feeding models becomes imperative.
This document, developed for, and in collaboration with, the Pan-Canadian Joint Consortium for School Health (JCSH), outlines a set of Canadian Standards and Indicators for HPS.
The WCA Commitment Text has been endorsed by Ministers of Education and Health from the 25 countries of the region on 6 april 2023.
The history and timeline of the West and Central Africa Commitment for educated, healthy and thriving adolescents and young people.
This school meals case study forms part of a collection led by the Research Consortium for School Health and Nutrition’s "Good Examples" Community of Practice.
WFP has six decades of experience supporting school feeding and a trajectory of working with more than 100 countries to set up sustainable national school feeding programmes. This factsheet provides an overview on school feeding programmes and their impact.
The ECOWAS Conference on Homegrown School Feeding, titled "Investing in Homegrown School Feeding to Strengthen Human Capital, Women's Economic Empowerment, and Contribute to Economic Development," served as a pivotal gathering of over 70 technical experts and government officials.
This brief was developed to support the dissemination of key messages in Mind the Gap 3: Promoting Equity and Inclusion in and through Girls’ Education in Crisis.
This report provides information about Plan International’s response to the hunger crisis through school feeding initiatives, especially school gardens in Burkina Faso.