L’hygiène et la santé dans les écoles primaires
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école.
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école.
The manual on prevention of HIV infection for university teachers will be used for training future teachers.
This report is a commissioned review of best practice as well as an exploratory study in two countries, Namibia and Tanzania, to understand how the education sector should support HIV-positive learners at school.
This brief is addressed to educational planners and managers, as well as other key decisions-makers in the field of education in countries highly affected by the AIDS epidemic, especially those of sub-Saharan Africa where the impact on education systems has been most severe.
It is estimated that there are currently around 122,000 teachers in sub- Saharan Africa who are living with HIV, the vast majority of whom have not sought testing and do not know their HIV status.
Hé les gars ! est un petit guide réédité en 2008 par l'Aide Suisse contre le Sida (ASS) et l'Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP).
le présent plan sectoriel de l'éducation prend en compte les objectifs du Plan National de Développement de l'Education (PNDE), de Juin 1999, du Millénaire pour le Développement (OMD), de l'an 2000, du Plan National d'Action de l'Education Pour Tous (PNA.EPT), d'Avri
This booklet aims to contribute to improved understanding of partnerships, including what they can achieve as well as challenges to effective partnerships.
This booklet introduces the concepts of quality education and effective learning; provides an overview of the impact of HIV and AIDS on quality education and effective learning; summarises the factors that contribute to effective learning in the context of HIV and AIDS education and highlights ke
The process of linking sexual and reproductive health and HIV/AIDS needs to work in both directions: this means that traditional sexual and reproductive health services need to integrate HIV/AIDS interventions, and also that programmes set up to address the AIDS epidemic need to integrate more ge