Plan interministériel de lutte contre le harcèlement à l’école
Depuis 2017, la lutte contre le harcèlement à l’École a été constamment renforcée pour faire face à la multiplication des situations de harcèlement.
Depuis 2017, la lutte contre le harcèlement à l’École a été constamment renforcée pour faire face à la multiplication des situations de harcèlement.
The African Union (AU) Continental Strategy on Education for Health and Well-being of Young People aims to enhance the physical, mental, and reproductive health of young people while contributing to the achievement of education goals.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
Le Plan d’action visant à prévenir et à contrer les violences à caractère sexuel en enseignement supérieur 2022-2027 synthétise la vision et les actions du ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur.
This briefing note outlines key policy recommendations to strengthen education systems to protect and promote the mental health and psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents, including support for their teachers and caregivers.
This report presents findings from the fourth round of the Survey on National Education Responses to COVID-19 School Closures, administered between April–July 2022 with responses from Ministries of Education in 93 countries.
The evidence for increased focus on the link between education and health is strong. Education strongly impacts health outcomes and health is equally fundamental to education. This calls for a more comprehensive approach to school health and more coordinated action across sectors.
This comic and film is based on research in Uganda and Ecuador which investigates young people’s perspectives of sexual wellbeing and consent. The comic and film explore peer pressure, social norms and gender stereotypes, and shed light on the complexity of sexual consent.
La Estrategia de la Alimentación Escolar Saludable y Sostenible es una respuesta articulada e integral que tiene como propósito procurar el acceso a alimentos frescos y nutritivos para los estudiantes, la familia y la comunidad; impulsando
Les lois nationales et les politiques éducatives jouent un rôle clé pour établir un contexte propice au développement et à la mise en œuvre de programmes de qualité d’éducation à la sexualité.