Monitoring and evaluating life skills for youth development. Volume 1: The guidelines. Volume 2: the Toolkit
The mission of the Jacobs Foundation is to foster children and youth development.
The mission of the Jacobs Foundation is to foster children and youth development.
Guía con información práctica para ser utilizada por periodistas que cubran el mundial de fútbol de Sudáfrica 2010. Incluye información sobre el VIH/sida a nivel mundialá y específica en el caso del continente africano y Sudáfrica.
This guide has been designed to help readers to make the best use of the Toolkit for Mainstreaming HIV and AIDS in the Education Sector published by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education in 2008.
This booklet aims to increase understanding of the characteristics of efficient and effective HIV and AIDS responses.
This guide is one in a series of Good Practice Guides produced by the International HIV/AIDS Alliance. It was developed for programme officers and other people who develop or deliver HIV programmes globally, and especially in the global South.
Esta Guía compila los datos de contacto y área de trabajo de más de 180 organizaciones de la Sociedad Civil en la región Latinoamericana, que trabajan en Derechos Humanos, Atención, Prevención del VIH, y apoyo a las poblaciones GLBT, grupos excluidos y familiares de Personas que Viven con el VIH.
A series of seven Guidance Briefs has been developed by the Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on HIV and Young People to assist United Nations Country Teams (UNCT) and UN Theme Groups on HIV/AIDS in providing guidance to their staffs, governments, donors and civil society on the specifi c actions tha
Este cuadernillo diseñado especialmente para estudiantes, contiene información sobre las ITS y VIH/Sida: ¿Qué son? ¿Cómo se adquieren? ¿Cómo se detectan? ¿Cómo se transmiten? ¿Cuáles son sus síntomas? y ¿Cómo prevenirlas?
Starting in recent proposal rounds, The Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) has stated more explicitly that countries can include reproductive health as part of their proposal on AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, as long as a justification is provided on the impact of reproductiv
This generic tool covers a broad range of linkages issues, such as policy, systems and services. By design, it aims to provide a guide for assessing linkages that can be adapted as needed to regional or national contexts based on a number of factors.