Yaba's dream. Côte d'Ivoire
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV/AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
The development of a National HIV/AIDS and STD Strategic Plan for South Africa for 2000 to 2005 was initiated by the Ministry of Health in consultation with key role players including relevant governments, non governmental organisations, people living with AIDS, oganised labour and other relevant
This is the final draft of a report, which offers a detailed and comprehensive view of the issues surrounding HIV/AIDS and education. It illustrates all finer points with specific data from numerous countries and studies within Sub-Saharan Africa.
Le Programme Santé et Lutte contre le Sida de la GTZ a élaboré avec des adolescents un ensemble de 5 livrets abordant l'adolescence, les relations hommes-femmes, les rapports sexuels, les relations saines, le VIH et sida et la nouvelle génération.
This booklet is one of a series prepared during the UNESCO-DANIDA training workshops to produce gender-sensitive materials for HIV and AIDS prevention for Southern African countries.
Cette brochure sur la santé reproductive des adolescents est le dernier d'une série de quatre, produite dans le cadre du programme d'orientation, de conseil et de développement de la jeunesse pour l'Afrique.
This study is in response to the ADEA Working Group on Higher Education's decision to undertake case studies on the way HIV/AIDS affects some individual universities in Africa, and to document the responses and coping mechanisms that these institutions have developed.
Strengthening the rights of the child is a priority area for SADC-EU cooperation. The HIV/AIDS epidemic in the SADC countries places many of these rights in jeopardy, among them the right to education.
Report assesses impact of HIV/AIDS on the education sector, addressing both the current situation and what can be expected: fewer school enrolments, decreased teacher supply, increased health costs straining governments and families.