Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality in Indonesia"
This document contains the presentations from the Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-4 December 2009.
This document contains the presentations from the Workshop on "Education Sector Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality, Jakarta, Indonesia, 3-4 December 2009.
Within the Department of Basic Education (DBE) this integrated strategy is currently being developed in accordance with the National Strategic Plan (NSP) and with new thinking globally on rolling back HIV and AIDS.
The first section of this document outlines the background context.
Objetivo: la prevención y sanción del hostigamiento sexual, producidos en las relaciones de dependencia – cualquiera sea la forma jurídica de esta relación – en la Sede Central del Ministerio de Educación, Direcciones Regionales de Educación, Unidades de Gestión Educativas Locales, Programas Naci
El Ministerio de Educación, en el marco de las acciones orientadas al fortalecimiento de la Educación Sexual Integral en el sistema educativo peruano, elabora y distribuye materiales educativos que contribuyen a la labor pedagógica de las docentes y los docentes.La Educación Sexual Integral (ESI)
El Ministerio de Educación, desde la Dirección de Tutoría y Orientación Educativa (DITOE), está comprometido con la importante tarea de brindar Educación Sexual Integral en las instituciones educativas, comprendiendo que la sexualidad es inseparable de la persona humana desde el nacimiento y está
The 15 Ministers of Education associated with the Southern and Eastern Africa Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) have been concerned for a number of years about the lack of well-designed objective indicators that can be used to guide an informed debate about the effectiveness
The main objective of the study is to contribute to efforts aimed at enhancing children's access to quality basic education and strengthening protection against GBV in and on the way to school.
This mapping of global initiatives in school health and nutrition, together with the available programme guidance on health, hygiene and nutrition education, is intended as a source of technical support for WFP programme officers and professionals from other organizations who, in partnership with
Most countries do not know much about the outcomes or impact of activities related to gender based violence. Gender based violence undermines both social and economic development and the individual’s capacity for realising her or his rights and potentials under already strained conditions.