Do School Meals Boost Education in Low- and Middle-Income Countries? A 15-Year Review [blog post]
As school meal programmes continue to expand globally, so too is the body of evidence from impact evaluations.
As school meal programmes continue to expand globally, so too is the body of evidence from impact evaluations.
In Eastern and Southern Africa, at least 120 million children and youth are not able to attend school due to COVID-19 related school closures. More than 16 million affected school-children in the region rely on school meals and nutrition services.
Childhood obesity is of increasing concern in many parts of Africa. The authors conducted a systematic search and review of published literature on behavioural childhood obesity prevention interventions.
School feeding programmes are recognized as a key part of food assistance and relief in emergency and development programmes. They are principally concerned with transfer of food to school to alleviate hunger, meet daily consumption needs and encourage attendance and retention.
HIV/AIDS is one of the most important public health challenges facing Nigeria today. Recent evidence has revealed that the adolescent population make up a large proportion of the 3.7% reported prevalence rate among Nigerians aged 15–49 years.
This literature review sought to understand how the South African Education Department and its stakeholders have responded to the plight of OVC.