Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação
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The Dakar framework for action. Education for all: meeting our collective commitments
This document reaffirms the goal of education for all as laid out by the World Conference on Education for All (Jomtien, Thailand, 1990) and other international conferences.
Opening windows to a brighter world: a better future for girls and boys orphaned through AIDS
In October, 1999, UNESCO hosted a Round Table discussion on the plight of children whose parents have died from AIDS. This brought together representatives from some of the hardest hit countries, as well as NGOs in the field. The Round Table provided a platform for dialogue and exchange.
The social, demographic and development impact of HIV/AIDS: Commonwealth universities respond
This is a workshop report on Commonwealth universities and the HIV/AIDS pandemic held in Durban, South Africa.
The impact of HIV/AIDS on schooling in Zambia
Zambia is currently experiencing one of the worst HIV/AIDS epidemics in the world, one result being that between one-third and one-quarter of the children aged below 15 have lost one or both parents.
Report of UNICEF's Project to Expand Programming for Families and Children Affected by HIV/AIDS, January 1998 to December 1999
This report discusses the UNICEF project to expand programming for families and children affected by HIV/AIDS.
Regional Workshop on Preventive Education Against HIV/AIDS for Women's Grassroot Organisations in Africa: final report
This is a report of a workshop for Grassroots Women's Organisation in Africa and was organised in Abidjan from 7-11 September 1998 by UNESCO in co-operation with UNAIDS Regional HIV Development Project.
Men: key partners in reproductive health. A report on the First Conference of French-Speaking African Countries on Men's Participation in Reproductive Health
In Africa, men play key roles in reproductive health - as individuals, family members, community decision-makers, and national leaders. Most reproductive health care, however, focuses on women.
Prévenir le VIH/SIDA en milieu scolaire : un défi pour l'Afrique francophone
Ce document du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire est un instrument de diffusion de la Déclaration de Dakar et des grandes lignes des plans d'actions nationaux.
Séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire (Afrique francophone), Dakar, 21-25 avril 1997 : rapport final
Ce document est le rapport final du séminaire régional sur l'éducation et le SIDA dans le système scolaire tenu à Dakar, Sénégal en 1997 et dont le but était de contribuer à la réduction du VIH/SIDA parmi la population jeune de la sous-région.