Teaching sexual health
Teaching Sexual Health is series of lesson plans developed by the provincial government of Alberta (Canada) for use with Grades 4-12.
Teaching Sexual Health is series of lesson plans developed by the provincial government of Alberta (Canada) for use with Grades 4-12.
Les pays de l’Afrique de l’Ouest francophone qui ont accusé un grand retard par rapport aux autres régions de l’Afrique dans le domaine de la planification familiale, réalisent des progrès ces dernières années notamment depuis la création du Partenariat de Ouagadougou.
This document has been compiled by the International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP)/UNESCO HIV/AIDS Impact on Education Clearinghouse in cooperation with POLICY /Futures Group.
Break the Silence, Wisconsin was a statewide gathering to raise awareness about the impact of bullying, homophobia, and transphobia in our schools.
The main goal of the manual is to provide teachers with the knowledge and competences to conduct HIV education lesson in the classroom at the primary and secondary level and to make available important resources for the lesson delivery.
Síntesis del Programa Nacional de Prevención del VIH/sida (preVIHsida) en el sistema educativo argentino.
Desde el Programa Nacional de Educación y Prevención sobre las Adicciones y el Consumo Indebido de Drogas (Ley nacional N° 26586), trabajamos con el objetivo de promover valores y actitudes que fortalezcan las capacidades de las personas y su entorno para prevenir las adicciones y el uso indebido
An eight-to-ten-week programme designed for use with young men ages 10-19 years old, focuses on sexual responsibilities, family communication, positive life options.
This issue of the journal Waterlines looks at experiences of menstrual hygiene management in schools in a number of countries.
This study aims to assess the effectiveness of Jamaica's current and planned response to HIV and AIDS in the education sector, highlighting strengths and critical gaps.