Centro de Recursos de Saúde e Educação
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Preventing violence in the most violent contexts: behavioral and neurophysiological evidence from El Salvador
Violence and delinquency levels in Central America are among the highest in the world and constrain human capital acquisition. We conduct a randomized experiment in El Salvador designed to reduce this problem.
Preventing intimate partner violence among young people: the role of comprehensive sexuality education
Comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) may help prevent intimate partner violence (IPV) among young people by addressing the harmful gender norms that perpetuate inequitable relationships and violence.
School meal programs around the world: report based on the Global Survey of School Meal Programs
The Global Survey of School Meal Programs aims to strengthen the work of the global school meal network by developing a comprehensive description of all the core aspects of large-scale school meal programs around the world.
UNFPA’S Multicountry Programme on Out-of-School Comprehensive Sexuality Education: country cases; Colombia
The Country Cases Series are developed within UNFPA's project “Out-of-School Comprehensive sexuality education for those left furthest behind” in Colombia, Ethiopia, Ghana, Iran and Malawi, with the financial support of Norway.
Bullying: What’s happening in our schools?
This article analyses the responses to bullying-related questions in the contextual questionnaires of pan-Canadian and international large-scale assessment studies in which Canadian students have participated.
Addressing unintended pregnancy in the Arab Region: policy brief
Unintended pregnancy and unsafe abortion are serious public health issues in the Arab region that often go ignored, jeopardizing the health of women and families and placing a burden on society as a whole.
Childhood obesity prevention in Africa: a systematic review of intervention effectiveness and implementation
Childhood obesity is of increasing concern in many parts of Africa. The authors conducted a systematic search and review of published literature on behavioural childhood obesity prevention interventions.
Promoting youth well-being through health and education: insights and opportunities
Putting well-being at the heart of planning, policy making, and resource allocation is emerging as critical to the development of thriving communities and nations. The authors examined the academic and grey literature to identify theoretical frameworks that integrate health and education.