National schools' policy on drugs, Grenada
The revised National Policy on Drugs, Grenada, provides the education system with relevant and updated guidelines and protocols, to address substance use and related
The revised National Policy on Drugs, Grenada, provides the education system with relevant and updated guidelines and protocols, to address substance use and related
Esta Guía de Consejería se enmarca dentro de un conjunto de acciones del Programa Nacional de Salud Integral de Adolescentes y Jóvenes del Ministerio de Salud, iniciado en el año 2008, y entrega recomendaciones prácticas a los equipos de salud.
Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC), a WHO collaborative cross-national study, has provided information about the health, well-being, social environment and health behaviour of 11-, 13- and 15-year-old boys and girls for over 30 years.
The purpose of this study on menstrual hygiene management (MHM) in the Beni department of Bolivia was to better understand the challenges girls face due to menstruation; describe factors which influence girls’ experiences during menstruation; and present recommendations to create a supportive sch
El presente informe está organizado de la siguiente manera: el primer capítulo explica de manera detallada la metodología utilizada durante el muestreo de casos, los instrumentos de recolección de datos utilizados, consideraciones éticas de la aplicación de la EMSE, entre otros.
This sourcebook documents and analyzes a range of government-led school meals programs to provide decision-makers and practitioners worldwide with the knowledge, evidence and good practice they need to strengthen their national school feeding efforts.
La promoción de una educación desde una perspectiva de derechos humanos y de igualdad de género es una prioridad para la Campaña Latinoamericana por el Derecho a la Educación (CLADE).
CONTEXT: Age at sexual debut, age at first marriage or first union and age at first birth are among the most widely used indicators of health and well-being for female adolescents.
This toolkit offers resources and suggest practical steps to take and share to better connect health and education services.
Most states today have a policy requiring HIV education, usually in conjunction with broader sex education.