Adolescents and HIV/AIDS
The fact sheet presents the fact on HIV/AIDS among youth aged 13 to 24 in the United States and recommends effective strategies that may reduce sexual risk behaviours and prevent HIV and other STIs.
The fact sheet presents the fact on HIV/AIDS among youth aged 13 to 24 in the United States and recommends effective strategies that may reduce sexual risk behaviours and prevent HIV and other STIs.
Cette brochure a été conçue pour des personnes qui viennent d'apprendre leur séropositivité. Elle a pour but de les aider à faire face à cette situation angoissante en mettant à leur disposition des informations sur la maladie et des témoignages de personnes qui ont vécu la même chose.
La expectativa al presentar esta guía es que sirva a las personas con VIH, a sus familiares y amigos para encarar las múltiples situaciones derivadas de convivir con el virus.
Il s’agit d’éléments très concrets sur comme établir une planification de formation pour aborder la question du VIH SIDA (ambiance, outils, contenus, comportements, évaluation…).
A key condition of contraceptive security is a policy environment that enables forecasting, financing, procuring, and delivering contraceptives in a fair and equitable way to all women and men who need them.
This guide was adapted from the WHO document Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI): Planning, Implementing and Evaluating Pre-Service Training (working draft, 2001).
The National Drugs Strategy 2001-2008 sets out a detailed programme of action to be implemented by Government Departments and Agencies to combat the very serious problem of drug misuse in our society.
O ponto central destes cadernos é constituído por uma série de técnicas para trabalhar com homens jovens em grupos. Estas atividades foram desenvolvidas e testadas com grupos de 15 a 30 participantes.
The handbook is comprised of eight interrelated yet separate booklets, each addresses a particular evaluation need. These booklets address evaluation of HIV policy, HIV curricula, HIV staff development programmes, and HIV-related student outcomes.
This Tool-kit for Action has two components.