Education in a post-COVID world: towards a RAPID transformation
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, resulting in disruptions to education at an unprecedented scale.
Este documento tiene un doble objetivo.
Volume 2: Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Students’ Needs is intended to offer initial strategies for providing equitable and adequate educational opportunities that address the impact of COVID-19 on students, educators, and staff, focusing on evidence-based strategies for: 1) Meeting
To reopen safely during the COVID-19 pandemic and maximize the amount of in-person instruction, schools need sufficient resources as well as adhered-to, strong state and local public health measures. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S.
The purpose of this document is to provide actionable guidance to school officials for the prevention and early detection of COVID-19 in the school setting.
La Estrategia Nacional del Subsistema de Educación Básica y Media para enfrentar el desafío de la pandemia COVID-19 presenta las etapas y líneas de acción que se están implementando y proyectando en el Ministerio de Educación de Nicaragua para enfrentar, mitigar y trascender los efectos de la pan
Grandes orientations de ce plan d’action du MENFP par rapport au COVID-19. Organiser la réponse du secteur de l’éducation face au COVID-19 par la mise en œuvre d’un ensemble d’actions susceptibles de réduire l’impact de la crise
En respuesta al Decreto Gubernativo No. 5-2020 y la alerta roja activada en el pals, el En respuesta al Decreto Gubernativo No.
This Document is meant to guide the cleaning and disinfecting of public spaces, work places, businesses, schools and homes in an effective, efficient, responsible and continuous manner.
When considering the reopening of schools, four key sanitary criteria should be considered to ensure that students and teachers alike are safe: A) Ensure social distancing; B) Keep schools clean and disinfected; C) Ensure that students and teachers enter school healthy and stay healthy; and D) Pr